3 Super Awesome Free Entertainment Industry Tools That YOU Need Right Now Ahhh, it’s the first Friday of 2018. Christmas came and went and a brand spanking NEW YEAR has arrived! (Panic slowly starts to seep in) Me: Wait….whaaat!? HOW THE HELL IS IT January of 2018!?!? Inner critic:”Yes, that’s right Burgandi, you don’t have EVERYTHING done that you wanted to do in 2017 yet 2018 has swooped in and dominated us ALL! You haven’t put a plan of action…
Los Angeles
To Podcast or Not to Podcast…..THAT is the Question!
Posted on September 6, 2017To podcast or not to podcast? UM. TO PODCAST, amiright? Ok, well….unless you happen to come across a super scary podcast that talks about someone’s evil plot to end the world…um…yeah, please stop. Any who, back to what I was saying. I LOVE a great podcast. Whether it be about a badass #ladyboss, health, fitness, real life stories, comedy, FOOD or the entertainment industry, I am always so much more motivated on my drive to an audition, set, yoga or…
Follow my blog with Bloglovin And by fun I mean working, on things I love and oh yeah, a car accident…(keep reading to find out what I’m talking about.) Someone said to me yesterday, “Can you believe Christmas is 5 months away!?”….I immediately choked on my homemade organic, iced, coconut milk vanilla latte and said, “WHAT?!?!?!” It was then, that I blacked out and came to a few minutes later on my kitchen floor, only to realize that they were…
Cancelled or renewed? My favorite 2017 TV Shows that are returning for another season!
Posted on May 16, 2017Follow my blog with Bloglovin It’s that time again- the time of year, when my favorite TV shows, either get cancelled or renewed. Yikes. It’s a nail biting time for anyone currently on a show and especially for the fans of said shows. On a side note, can I just say that I can’t even believe it’s the middle of MAY!?! Where the heck does time go??? Anywho, I digress. So, what was I talking about? Ah, yes, TV shows!…
Your skin, my skin, we all scream, for GREAT skin! 5 Natural ways to healthy, beautiful skin, at any age no if’s and’s or fillers!
Posted on April 25, 2017Follow my blog with Bloglovin Who hates needles? I HATE needles. I mean, H.A.T.E! When I have to get blood drawn, they still use a baby needle on me, lay me down, so I don’t PTFO, (this has happened, sadly, more than one time), and give me a kids juice box, afterward. Even after all of that accommodation, I still cry-EVERY TIME. So, as you can imagine, I am NOT a fan of any sort of facial and/or body injection!…
My sobering 2 months- A detox like NO other!
Posted on March 24, 2017Follow my blog with Bloglovin Right around the time the ball dropped on NYE this year, I had a thought. Yes, I had a couple of “Welcome 2017!”, glasses of champagne, so I was relaxed and feeling bubbly, but nevertheless, the thought came up and wouldn’t go away, so I decided to listen to what I had to say. It was this little voice, (obvi a sober little voice), that suggested ever so slightly, “Hey, bet you can’t stop drinking…
An Event-Full Oscars Weekend! The busiest time in Los Angeles!
Posted on February 28, 2017Follow my blog with Bloglovin It’s Fri-yay and I don’t know about y’all, but me, myself and I, are still pretty wiped from last weekend! And, now with the Oscars officially over, but the memes not even close to being over…EVER, and LaLa Land commuters, finally able to use Hollywood Blvd. all the way through, oh wait, no they can’t Beauty and the Beast is premiering this week- crap…well, almost able to use Hollywood Blvd again, I thought I would…
Follow my blog with Bloglovin I can’t believe it’s the weekend, already! Whew- that flew right on by! I guess it might have to do with the fact that, I have been a busy little B, this week! I had a new head shot shoot, posted a new Chiquita video,(click on Acting in the menu above), completed my 2nd week of my fitness challenge, wrote a few new blog articles, finally had a little me time, AND, was a guest…
Don’t Shoot Me! 7 simple things you can do, at home, to prep for a last minute shoot!
Posted on February 13, 2017Follow my blog with Bloglovin Whether you are a fashion model, print model, actor, dancer or, just love to collaborate with a bad ass peeps to document your life, we all know how stressful it can sometimes be, to get a last minute job! (Although, we are always, or should be, grateful!) Especially, if it’s the time of the month, ugh, you’re finally getting over the plague, (that seems to never end), you are just not feeling camera ready, OR,…